Johnny Worthless here, hope this finds you and yours happy and healthy. Five books in the Que tonight. I was very excited to read all the issues that I picked up ( I'm putting that at the top here so I don't have to repeat it five times). So here we go...
I started with Justice League # 2, mainly because of the whole 'five years before' deal that is going on. If you don't already know Action Comics and JL are happening five years prior to all the other books in the
new 52. I wanted to see if issue 2 would shed any new light on the new DCU... They dropped a few crumbs, but nothing very big. We pick up where we left off last issue, very cool beginning. I like when scenes are alluded to and not fully shown. Instead of wasting precious page time on things we've all seen 10,000 times. Nice Splash/Title page. And another sweet double Splash. Hal calls Bruce a Tool. (HA!) Victor's Dad is a dick. As soon as this book got started it ended. There were some cool additions at the end though, a Wonder Woman teaser and a really nice 'Sketchbook' with Supes and Bats. I'll be back for more next month.

Worst cover of the night goes to Birds of Prey #2. Anything Katana puts on is better than any previous costume I've ever seen her wear

The new tbs Big Bang Theory ad sucks compared to the old 'comic' version that had been sporting in the books lately. Still a good show just a bad ad comparatively.

I opted for Nightwing #2 next. Not the best cover... definitely in the realm of bad-cover-month. Pacing was great through the whole book. Dick's back to slaying the ladies again, that was always his M. O. though. Kyle Higgins really knows Dick Grayson, great job Kyle. I think I said it before, Thanks Kyle. Get this one on your Pull-list ASAP.

Dear, Batman: Noel Preview
I Hate You, Go Away.
Thanks, Johnny Worthless
This is space that DC could be using to highlight other 52 books that are coming out. Why DC, Why?
So far it's been Vehicle Month in the 'Bat' books... Detective had the

I tried to pick up something from the Marvel Camp but couldn't bring myself to buy any of the ones I was interested in due to the cover prices all being $ 3.99 and over. If I'm into a book, price really doesn't matter in the short term. But to pick something up for the first time, $ 4.99 really turns me off.
I will be starting to read IDW's new Star Trek Ongoing Series that started in September. More on that when I get a hold of it.
Word on the Street is that I will be able to Comment on the Comments, I will try this if someone leaves a comment.
Thanks So much for stopping by, and Thanks for Reading!
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