Sorry that took so long, but now I'm back with two weeks of books for you to check out, or not... We've got a lot to cover, so here we go...
Oh! And Look Ma!!! Non-DC books!!!
First book is Teen Titans #2. Tim Drake doing things is great to watch, don't get me wrong. Overall this issue was boring. The art during action sequences is great, but when the story slows down the quality just isn't there. The only reason I'll still be reading this one next month is because of my Man-Love for Tim, did I say that out loud? Hopefully Titans is just off to a slow start, Hopefully.

With Bats getting his clock cleaned on the cover, Dark Knight #2 was
next in the pile. There is a 'Batstravaganza' of cameos in this issue. Lots of dialogue, it actually took more then 2 minutes to read. Looks good as always, there were a couple shots of Bruce that weren't that great. Overall the art was on par with how the other DK books under Finch have been. If you're not reading this series month to month make sure you check it out in trade form when they start collecting the issues. I already like this arc better than the "Golden Dawn" story from vol. 1.

Here to our left is the cover of Aquaman #2. It's weak, it's a cop-out.

Justice League International #3 was the first number 3 I read of the new 52! (Well I was excited about it) Sweet Finch cover with Bruce, Guy, and
the British Bird with hair powers (don't ask), her name is Godiva. Introduction to all characters, nice. I didn't catch it before but Beatriz's suit is sweet, I want to see more of it. In short, SOLD. I'm hooked into JLI now, I told myself after a disappointing #1 I'd stick around till issue 3. I'm in for the long haul now. I love these characters. The Chinese dude is a new favorite, August General in Iron? Did I say that right? Dan Jurgens has the chops, I don't always like what he writes, but he's a pro. He knows what he's doing. The snippet in the back with Jurgens and Copresti is cool.
My Personal favorite of the new 52, Batwing. Tonight's issue was Batwing #3. Great cover, Ben Oliver you rule. David Zavimbe is such a Badass, I now like the Batwing 'mask'. I wasn't a fan because it's kinda goofy looking and doesn't make much sense, but I like it now. At least anytime Ben Oliver is drawing it. Batwing and company deliver the goods once again! This book should be winning awards.
Up next! Detective Comics #3. So-So cover. The new villains are

cool, I like the whole 'family aspect, ( see Lunatacs from Thudercats). I'm not sure I spelled that right. TSD rocks! It's heating up on the Detective circuit! If you haven't already go pick this one up. The story really came into it's own this issue. Things coming together, others falling apart. I'm hooked.
First Official Johnny Worthless Non-DC book is Fear Agent #32. I love Heath Huston he's a man after my own heart. This one is special because it's the last issue. The book starts out with a warning..." If you haven't read the book up to this point, you shouldn't read this issue." Part 5 of Out of Step the "Final" issue of Fear Agent. I read it anyway, and cried. No ads, No BS, Just Pure Comic. Great Ending. If you want to read some great comics go start at the beginning. Fear Agent by Rick Remender.

This is the original cover to part one of Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham. DC has been re-releasing old stories from there vaults, this is

the first one I've picked up, it originally came out in 1999. I've never even heard of this one before. I'm a Huge fan of the Jim Balent Catwoman work. Good story, dialogue isn't that great, but it's not dated and definitely still holds up. Balent never really drew that great of a Batman, the rest of the art is great. Hot Chicks Abound! It's an Elseworlds tale, a fun romp. It's a perfect size, not sure it's worth it's 7.99 price tag, but I missed it the first time around. I wasn't going to miss it again. Check it out.
The last book tonight is from IDW's new ongoing Star Trek series Star Trek #2. This comic smelled great, If you're a comic fan you'll know what I'm talking about. High Quality Paper. The premise of this series is taking the "new" crew of the Enterprise, from the J. J. Abrams film, on adventures from or inspired by the OG series. I loved the new film, and I am afan of the old series, so this was a no-brainer. Issue #2 was good, it went fast, it was a part two from issue #1. Had a good review in the front to catch you up to speed. The Art is good, everyone looks like the actors. They sound like them too. Rumor has it that these adventures are taking place between the Reboot film and the sequel that they're working on now. Insert corny Boldly Go Joke.

That's it kids!
It's good to be back.
Thanks for stopping by and Thanks for Reading!!!
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