Hello People of the Internets...
Six books tonight... I think that is a new Worthless Record! Woot, Woot! So let's begin...

First book of the night was
Superboy #2. This cover sucks, that's all I have to say about that. Is 'protestations' a word? If so what exactly does it mean? I pretty sure that protesting things is a big part of it... or maybe it was a joke I didn't get. Two words, Rose Wilson. Superboy's suit is way cooler then the old jeans and a tee deal
Connor was wearing (I never was a fan of that look). Great art throughout the entire book. This Superboy seems to be getting off on the right foot.

Book two of the night was
Batwoman #2. J.H.W. III is the bomb. There is nothing mainstream out now to compare with what J.H.W. III is doing in this book. Loved the Batman Inc action. There was a character synopsis in the beginning of the book. I don't particularly think that it is a good one, but I was thankful for it. It just gave that first page overview of the character, as DC has been doing lately, and answered some questions, but it wasn't very organic. I also might be out of the loop when it comes to Kate Kane. Bruce had a cameo. I don't really like Kate, but she makes a great Batwoman. Great book, pick it up.

Now this is a good cover!
Batgirl #2. Lead character + Villain x Sweet Pose = Cover Gold. So Babs was shot 3 years ago... Did we just find that out, or did they tell us last month? The Commissioner's newly red locks are annoying. I completely got caught up in this one, great read. I'm still waiting on a
good explanation to the whole walking thing, with that being said. Go pick this puppy up now.
I'd like a full roster of all the GCPD please, I have no idea who anyone is anymore. Now I'm not saying I want to know about them, I don't, (Sorry Greg Rucka) I just want a little who's who's action of the entire force, then I want everyone to use those cops and not keep making up new ones. Please, there are way too many and it's only the second month of this...

The next in the pile was
Grifter #2. This book needs a new logo, as you can see the one currently in use has a cheese factor of 11. Not a fan. Overall cover... try harder next time. I recall the term 'Daemonite', was it from
Wildcats? I still haven't a clue to what's going on here, It's like 'They Live' (yea, Roddy Piper). Issue 2 wasn't as good or as exciting as issue 1, but I'll be back for for next month.

Deathstroke #2 was next up with another lack-luster cover. I mean really, lets redo the universe then for the second issue of each comic we'll try do put out the worst covers we can think of? Content! The new Deathstroke logo also needs some work. Overall it was a good book, you definitely get the picture that they are trying to let you know how B-A-D-A-Double S-S Slade is. I normally don't really get impressed by colorists, Dave Stewart excluded,
but Kudos to Jason Wright. Fantastic job, everything had a cool watercolor-y look to it. I like when Slade cuts off the tops of people's heads. Deathstroke rules.
Not all of the books had the Batman: Noel preview in them, thank you DC.
Last book of the night was Batman & Robin #2.
I take back everything I said bad about this cover last week. After adding the colors and book logos this one turned out to be a gem. It looks great, Damian still looks like a jerk, but that's his thing. Anyways... Great montage at the start of the story. This is setting up allot of stuff to go down, I have lots of questions, and got few answers this month. I have to do some research. Damian needs help, Pronto! Go pick it up and see why!!!
That does it for the comics, Thanks for stopping by.
As of writing this tonight I still haven't been able to respond to comments, the tech people are working on that, Sorry I haven't been able to write back. There will be some non-DC reviews coming soon, as in next week. I'd like to thank 1up Collectibles again for giving me this space to rant.
Thanks for Reading, and Thanks again for Stopping by.
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