Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mirrodin Pure or New Phryexia??? That is the Question

As many of you may know by now Wizards of the Coast posted their sales solicitation flyer for the third set in the Scars of Mirrodin block, code-named 'Action' scheduled to be released May 13, 2011. When released Action’s proper name will either be 'Mirrodin Pure' or 'New Phyrexia'.  Currently the staff at Wizards of the Coast has been very tight lipped on who will win the battle for the plane of Mirrodin. Who will emerge victorious Mirrans or Phyrexians? The wait is nearly over…

 This set will contain 175 cards and the tagline for the set is either "The Sharpest Steel is Tempered in Fire" (Mirrodin Pure) or "The Grand Compleation is Achieved" (New Phyrexia), and the expansion symbol will match the respective Mirran or Phyrexian watermarks found on nearly all non-land cards from Scars of Mirrodin and Mirrodin Besieged. Here is a sneak peak on the packaging designs for both sets.

The New Phyrexia package images on the Booster Box and Intro Packs have been seen on many other occasions in the past sets. The Fat Pack artwork features a new hideous version of Wurmcoil Engine. The Booster Pack images feature Suture Priest and two currently unknown images. The Intro Pack display shows correct colour distribution of two of each of the five different Intro Packs. 

The Mirrodin Pure set has the card art from what is speculated to be Darksteel Angel. If the Mirrodin Faction was to win the battle then this art as well as other artwork featured on the packaging will likely to find their ways onto cards. I say the word “If” as most people I’ve spoken to and things I’ve read speculate that this won’t happen. As pointed out by MTG Realm “Mirrodin Pure product mock-up of the Intro Pack display box confirm this as it is improperly colored - there are four u/g packs where there should be an equal representation of the five different Intro Packs.”

Lastly, now is the time to pick up your pre-order for the upcoming "Action Set" at for an introductory price of $89.99 for a limited time.

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