Friday, September 17, 2010

No More Variant Covers!!!

Apparently, variants are racist. Wait, what!?

Just watch.

This dude makes some pretty absurd accusations against the idea of variant comic covers, but he also brings up a lot of valid points. We're interested in hearing what YOU think about this. Please leave your thoughts in the comments.


  1. I left my thoughts out of the original post, but I'll put them here in the comments in hopes of sparking some sort of conversation and debate.

    Should comic shops REALLY have to order buttloads of books that will most likely just take up shelf space so they can get a handful of variants? Is it fair that major publishing companies expect store owners to spend more when the industry is already suffering?

    Seems like the big companies are content with lining their pockets with total disregard for the people on the comic front-lines: shop owners!

  2. I for one do subscribe to the madness of a getting these variant covers. As a collector of Batman Comics I have found myself buying a lot of these variant covers on eBay or conventions. I do not believe that I am one of the people that this gentleman describes as I myself appreciate the stories of batman but I also enjoy the art. This is one of the things that has inspired me to buy the Statues and prop replicas. I look at variant covers more as a nice piece of art.
