Hello People of the Internets...
Hope everyone is doing well, thanks for joining us for the reviews. If it's you're first time I don't try to give any spoilers, so you don't have to worry about that. What I do give is my two cents on what I'm reading for the week. So, Here we go...

First book of the night was
Batwing#2. After the cliffhanger from issue 1 I had to start here. Pick up #1 if you can still find a copy out there. I love the look of this book. Kudos to Ben Oliver and Brian Reber (they're the art team). I'm surprised to see the rating for this book is teen and not at least teen +. This book is graphic. (That is somehow a bad pun)
David Zavimbe is Awesome. Pick this one up, I need a Batwing tee shirt, you do too.
I didn't realize till last night that
Huntress #1 was coming out today. It's the first issue of a six part run, I'm a big Helena Bertinelli fan.

I haven't given her much thought lately (as in the past decade?), every time she'd pop up was with a bunch of other heroes. I'm sure there are good stories out there, I haven't come across that many for awhile. Anyway, it's a weak cover, but I like the pair of panties hanging from the close line as to say 'Wait! This book is gonna be Sexy!!!'. If you haven't see them yet take a closer look. Interior art was great. I don't like the Huntress suit they've been using (for I don't know how long). It sucks, why does she have "bat ears", it's lame. Really, it's hard to look at, those lame ass bat-ear-things. Just when the story starts moving along and every one's having a good time... Out come the damn "bat ears" and the mood is ruined. Awesome book, but it's time for a new costume.

This was one of my favorites last month, here's the rundown for
Swamp Thing #2. I have no idea what is going on. Well I kind of do, but not really. That being said, it's a great book. One of the best of the new 52, at least so far. It looks like they are completely re-doing Swamp Thing, which (if so) will be wicked cool to watch unfold. There is a pretty big Zombie/Horror thing going on here too, if you're into that type of thing. Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette are both top-notch. The panel separations through the entire book are stellar. Start reading Swamp Thing now.

Now we come to
JLI #2, I was worried about this one. Awesome cover, it totally makes up for the cover of issue #1. This is the Booster Gold vehicle, I like Booster that's why I'm reading this one. Also Bruce is in it, and Beatriz too. Holy Redemption Batman!!! I wasn't a fan of issue 1, issue 2 is fantastic. Great dialogue, it's funny, a bit touching, and just an all around good team book. I thought the first one was way too childish. This is way more the JLI that I know and love. The old-school members in the book are Fire and Ice, Guy, Booster, Bruce, and Rocket Red. (just a heads up)
I'm not a fan of when the exact same "preview" is in the back of all issues for that week or month, it sucks. I'm sick of the Batman: Noel "preview" already, I hope it's gone next week and doesn't run the whole month.
I was going to pick up Penguin: Pain and Prejudice but I skipped it, I've read some articles since and might have to pick it up later, I'll let you know how it goes.

Last but not least for the night was
Detective Comics #2. Right off the Bat (ha) I'm not a fan of this cover, I'm a huge TSD fan, but this is an all right splash page not a good cover. I liked issue 1's cover but this one is weak. Maybe DC is doing bat-vehicle month? I saw for the next
B&R cover it's Bruce and Damian in the Batmobile. Not a fan of that one either. Interior art great as always. Meanwhile... Hold the boat!!! (bat-boat I guess) Did they just show Dr. Arkham after showing him crazy inside the asylum in
Batman? Really? I'm hoping it's his brother Jakie or something. Gordon smokes again, kinda. He's been a cop for ten years at this point. (It's a timeline thing) In conclusion... WTF? (that's for you Uncle Charlie) One wild thing after another is happening here in Gotham. This shit is crazy, can't wait for next month.
Stop picking on Aquaman people and read his damn comic.
Thanks for stopping by.
And Thanks for reading.
Hey Johnny Worthless nice reviews. Gotta love Booster Gold. Anyway what do you think of the whole new timeline so far? Any plans to review some non-DC comics?