Hello People of the Internets...
Johnny Worthless here. I'm going to give my two cents on the books I've picked up for this week.
I guess tonight is my first official comics review now that it's being posted in the proper place. Anyways here we go...

First book of the night was
Teen Titans #1. The cover was already making me like this book more. I wasn't a fan of the promo art DC had been using up until the release today. Who took the pic of Tim and Bruce in the beginning of the story? I'm thinking that memento is a little far-fetched. Overall it was So-So. From what (I think) I know N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (which sucks to type) is an old concept, something the "Powers that Be" plucked out of the annals of the old DCU, if in name only. The art was good, I thought the dialogue was weak. This is supposed to be the Tim Drake vehicle, I'm still mad he doesn't have his own book. The wings weren't too bad. We'll see where this one goes. I'll probably be angry with the treatment of Tim Drake for awhile, but I'll keep coming back for more.

Book two of the night was
Flash #1. I never was a Flash reader, but he always played an integral part in defeating evil action figures at home. I picked this up after reading an article on the team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. Sweet cover, definitely one of the best of the new 52, straight and to the point. Flash was the only character after Flashpoint that I really wanted to know what he was going to do afterwards. { I just erased some stuff about Kid Flash, We'll talk about that some other time } Awesome panels of Barry getting into costume. Great Artwork. I was in love with this book by page 4. I liked the "I'm the Flash and I have an iPad" part of the story. It's the Flash I remember playing with as a kid, just fast as Hell. Solid book, Great read, pick it up.
The Big Bang Theory ad is bomb, my wife loves that show. Geeks tell your women to watch it, they'll enjoy.

By the ultra technology usage of the picture to the left you know book 3 was
Aquaman #1. I don't like Boston. It's nice to see everyone treating Aquaman like shit. This book was hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud more than a couple times. (a couple is two if you wanted to know) Another great story to start off a new run, they basically went over Arthur's origin through a series of events. For the record Aquaman was always my brother's favorite superhero. In short, Aquaman rules and he has two hands.
Sidebar again...
I've noticed alot of the books, in the new DCU, have things in common. From type to how they present locations and creators and whatnot. Oh! and red glowing chic too! It gives a nice cohesion, Way to go DC.

Final comic of the night
BATMAN: The Dark Knight #1. Bruce thought the word 'Goblin', that made me giggle. Bats and the GCPD going into Arkham felt like it was out of
Aliens. Very Suspenseful. Go get this one while it's around. The Finch Bat-books go by so fast you need to read at least 3 in a row to make any sense of what's going on, but boy are they pretty.
That's it for tonight.
I'd like to thank the wonderful people of
1up Collectibles for giving me this space to fill with my junk. Thanks for stopping by and Thanks for reading.
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