Hello People of the Internets!
Johnny Worthless coming at you with some goodies, some old some new, but they're all tasty treats. If you are already reading any of these books, way to go, if not give one or two a try, you won't be disappointed. Unless you want lots of puppies and kittens, there isn't really anything for you here...
Let's begin.

First we have Robert Kirkman's
The Walking Dead. I came to this book through the TV show (like many others) I'd known of it before, but hadn't ever read a full issue. Two words... Zombie Apocalypse. Check out this book, it's a No-Brainer! (Ha! Zombie Jokes) Also a heads up (Ha!), this one is not for kids. As in the book consists of a lot of violence, gore, and profanity. I haven't ever heard or seen a "colored" version of this book. It's black and white which adds to the 'outsider' feel of the series. Recently
Kirkman and crew reached 100 issues, this is the longest running series on the list but don't let that discourage you. And although it shares many things with it's TV counterpart they definitely have there differences. The volumes of past issues are put together very well and you can get your hands on these trades very easily.
For Fans Of: AMC's Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, Zombies, Decapitations

Next we have from BOOM! Studios,
Valen the Outcast (which was originally titled 'Outcast', but I'm guessing Big Boi and Andre 3000 weren't fans). My main love for this book comes from my recent lack of roleplaying. It completely reminds me of adventures my buddies would run back in the day. (mainly Mikee D) The premise here is a king gets turned into an 'Undead Abomanation' and he's now trying to get revenge and reclaim all he has lost. Along for the ride are a drunk and a hot chic, what's there not to love? Sometimes hokey, always fun, this is a solid book. So, I just found out this book will be ending with issue 8. That sucks, but you still can get the issues from your local, just ask for a special order. From what I gather there might be another book coming out with the same characters or at least in the same world... We shall see.
For Fans Of: Sword and Sorcery, Conanary, Throw'n Dice in White-Shoes' Basement with Mikee D
Marvel Comics makes it debut on the list with Scarlet Spider. Just saying the name out loud makes him edgier then ole' Petey Parker. I'm really busy, I wanted to add this to my comic pull way before it came out, it never happened. Starring Kaine (if you don't know him look him up, short version is he's a clone) under the Spider-Specs. As the tag line says..."All the Power, None of the Responsibility" Everyone I asked about this book only had good things to say. It takes place in Houston. Christopher Yost is on writing duties so far, he's got chops. At the shop the other day I was told referring to Scarlet Spider, "he's a boss". I thought that summed up this book nicely.
For Fans Of: Kaine, Alliteration, Boss-like Activities, Christopher Yost

Aquaman has been great from the word go. (More like the start of the new 52) From
'The Trench' through
'The Others' Geoff Johns is killing it. This is one of the New 52 books that has really brought the goods with each issue. (overall) Still think Aquaman is worthless? Issue one will change your mind about that. Ivan Reis has been doing a bang-up job on his art duties. With #12 and it's #0 issues coming out soon now is a good time to board the HMS Aquaman. Or Aquaman DSV? Whichever you prefer.
For Fans Of: Fishsticks, Atlantis, Oceans, Geoff Johns, Tridents

From IDW,
Star Trek (Ongoing) This book has been a home run from the start. Well, the art was a little "off" in the beginning. Though it never impeded the story. This book follows the exploits of the Enterprise crew from the J. J. Abrams film universe. The premise is to take that crew and put them in situations that originally happened to the OG crew from the 60's TV show. (pretty awesome if you ask me) There are also there own stories being told, and at the moment the series is taking place between the first film and the sequel which is set to premiere May 17, 2013. So if you want to see what the crew has been up to between the films here it is. Top Notch.
For Fans Of: New Star Trek Film, Old Fashioned Fun Science Fiction, Zoe Saldana

This book is so good you should be buying two copies at a time,
Saga from Image. Brought to you by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. Definitely not for kids. I'm a huge fan of the look of this book. Great panel work. The art isn't always perfect (it's hits and misses) although this adds to the allure of it all. This series has a lot of heart and is quite charming at times. I completely teared up in a room full of people at the end of issue 1. (I have kids) If you have never heard about this book, think Whacked-Out Star Wars. (Kinda, I don't want to put this one in a box...) It reminds me of so many things, but it is wholly it's own beast. BKV (as he's known on the streets) writes an awesome "letter column" at the end of each issue. I lost track of how many times I laughed out loud while reading. ( I read issues one through four back to back) To tell you the truth, if I had to pick one of these there ten books to read I'd be pick'n this'n. (pardner) Fiona Staples covers are all

painted and wicked sweet, I had to put up two because I could decide between them. Highest recommendation for this book. I just want to know where I can sign up for the Saga Fan Club.
For Fans Of: Robot Sex?, Lying Cats, Space Operas

Also from Image, written by Ed "Everything Marvel" Brubaker and art by Sean Phillips,
Fatale. First off this book is not for kids, Second it's great. This book reads like an old paperback you can't put down. Hard Boiled, a bit convoluted (at the beginning) and many layered (but layered well). Brubaker's writing is stellar so far on this book. Dave Stewart's colors are great. Talk about setting moods. He is a modern day master. Fantastic read, I want more. See the FFO below to see if this one's for you. I've said too much already.
For Fans Of: The Occult, Detective Novels, NOIR, Dames
Haunt, named for it's title character, was brought to my attention due to Greg Capullo's work on it. I hadn't known of him until he started on
Batman (I later realized I had seen his work on some Spawn-like titles back-in -the-day) Yet another Image comic on the list, this series has been ongoing since '09. Originally created by Todd McFarlane and Robert Kirkman (from issue 19 on it is the new team of Joe Casey and Nathan Fox). The premise here is two brothers that were at odds with each other "come together" to solve a murder. ( I'm being vague on purpose) This book is sometimes a little over the top, but has constantly been a good read. It's a roller coaster ride.
For Fans Of: Monsters, Spawn, ACTION!
Everyone keeps telling me to read this next book,
Chew. The problem was no one would tell me what it was about. If you don't want to know, stop reading now. I'm going to tell you. Chew is written by John Layman (who will be writing
Detective starting next month) I know him from
Enemy's Pride and
Dogs of War. Both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. I don't really know Rob Guillory except from his work on this book. Tony Chu is the main character he is a Cibopathic, which means that when he eats something, live or dead, he gets a psychic impression, WOW. ( It's magical ) Everyone I know that is reading this book adores it. My favorite thing I've heard was, "The best thing ever with a killer cyborg chicken!" I still haven't read an entire issue, but I promise I will one of these days.
For Fans Of: Jokes, Weirdness, Chicken
The final book on the list
Thief of Thieves. This is the third book here from fan fave Robert Kirkman. I was asked a couple of months ago about this one, I told my friend I'd heard good things and I'd look into it for him. The interior art is better then the covers, not that the covers are bad, the interiors are just way better. This book completely reads like a TV show or a Hollywood Blockbuster. The whole package is very 'slick'. Kirkman's got another winner here, he has 'story' credits, think of him as a Producer on this book. It reminds me of shows like
Prisonbreak, but more intelligent. Definitely worth checking out. Well Papoose, there you have it.
For Fans Of: Theft, Cop-Dramas, Heist Films, Things that look cool
Sidebar: 'Face Off' on the SyFy channel is an awesome show, check it out.
Anyways, give a chance to something new... you can be the first of your friends to read one of these books, enjoy.
Thanks for Reading and Thanks for Stopping by...